Perry Township
Logan County, Ohio
2025 Cemetery Rates
Rate information for the following cemeteries: East Liberty, North Greenfield and Greenlawn.
Cemetery Lot Fee:
Township Resident $250.00 full lot (5 burial spaces)
$125.00 half lot (2 burial spaces)
Residents inside West Mansfield city limits may purchase lots at Greenlawn Cemetery at the Perry Township residents' price.
Non-Residents of Perry Township $5,000.00 full lot (5 burials spaces)
$2,500.00 half lot (2 burials spaces)
Burial Fees:
Open/Close grave for casket burial $450.00 (weekdays)
Open/Close grave for casket burial $550.00 (weekends/holiday)
Open/Close grave for infant grave $60.00 (any day)
Open/Close grave for cremation interment $200.00 (weekdays)
Open/Close grave for cremation interment $300.00 (weekends/holiday)
Crypt at owners’ discretion and expense
All Disinterment $5,000.00
Other Fees:
Install Military base FREE
Monument bases
Up to and include 12” long x 14” wide $300.00
12.1” to 24” long x 14” wide $350.00
24.1” to 60” long x 14” wide $450.00
Every foot over 5’ is $75.00 per foot
**Trustees must have actual dimensions of stone on base order sheets**
**After 10 years Perry Township is NOT responsible for repairs/replacement of bases. New bases will be $75.00 per foot.
Contact Information:
East Liberty Cemetery-John (JD) Gibson 937-441-9486
North Greenfield Cemetery-Ken Rosebrook Sr 937-441-2937
Greenlawn Cemetery-John Brose 937-597-5937
Perry Twp Fiscal Officer-Cindy Stalling 937-597-5935 or 937-666-3415
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